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Arrow (season 8)

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Arrow (season 8) tv show poster

10 episodes

This superhero crime drama television series tells the story of Oliver Queen. He lived a carefree and reckless life, like a playboy. But, one day, his yacht was shipwrecked near a remote island. As a result, Oliver lost all the benefits of civilization overnight. He was forced to survive on a hostile island in the midst of harsh wildlife. As a result, Oliver changed his mind about many things. Thanks to a successful combination of circumstances, Oliver was found and saved. Upon arrival in his hometown, Oliver’s behavior seemed rather strange. On the one hand, he continued to live his former life. On the other hand, Oliver’s relatives noticed that he had become completely different.

Original Title: Arrow
Country: USA
Release Date: 2019
Genres: Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Creator: Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg
Cast: Stephen Amell, Katie Cassidy, David Ramsey, Susanna Thompson

Runtime: 42 min
Language: English


Episode 1: (312.76 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (1.03 GB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 2: (260.02 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (855.32 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 3: (285.39 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (930.28 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 4: (230.44 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (818.81 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 5: (249.39 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (836.41 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 6: (255.43 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (813.51 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 7: (317.51 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (1000.97 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 8: (310.47 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (875.98 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 9: (306.87 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (889.23 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 10: (281.37 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (869.06 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles


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