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Will (season 1)

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Will (season 1) tv show poster

10 episodes

The plot of drama series “Will” is based on history and William Shakespeare’s biography. Actions develop in the 16th century in London. In these series a few other, rethought image of the great writer appears at us. William is the young man who is a representative the punk of the movement in the middle of the sixteenth century trying in all possible ways to find self-expression in the world filled with religious fanatics, unprepared to art innovations to readers and constant tension on the political scene. The project is filled with the madness supported with modern soundtracks and a heap of tricks on various subjects.

Original Title: Will
Country, Channel: USA, TNT
Release Date: 2017
Genres: Drama
Creator: Craig Pearce
Cast: Laurie Davidson, Olivia DeJonge, Mattias Inwood, Ewen Bremner, Jamie Campbell Bower, William Houston, Lukas Rolfe, Colm Meaney, Kenneth Collard, Jamie Beamish, James Berkery, Max Bennett, Abigail Hardingham, George Sear, Tadhg Murphy, Kristy Philipps, Leon Annor, Edward Hayter, Gerald Tyler, Jasmin Savoy Brown

Runtime: 60 min
Language: English


Episode 1: (390.51 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (941.61 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 2: (341.35 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (1.15 GB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 3: (427.25 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (1.15 GB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 4: (378.55 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (1.52 GB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 5: (376.96 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (1.51 GB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 6: (412.90 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (1.57 GB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 7: (412.65 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (1.18 GB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 8: (427.13 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (1.26 GB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 9: (415.48 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (1.17 GB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 10: (450.06 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (1.24 GB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles


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  • Anthea Frith

    Please reload Episodes 8, 9 & 10 on Publish 2

  • RivalNoX

    Hi, done. Have a good time!

  • rosie

    Hi can you please reload episodes 8,9 and 10 on k2S. Thank you

  • RivalNoX

    Hi, done. Have a good time!