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Good Girls (season 2)

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Good Girls (season 2) tv show poster

13 episodes

The main characters of the series “Good Girls” live in a quiet suburb, where they try to cope with the difficulties that arise and not lose courage in the event of another failure. They are parents of minor children who need not only daily care and upbringing, but also financial investments in their future. But women do not have the money needed for the normal maintenance of their families. Charter alone to deal with problems, they decide to join forces and develop a cunning plan to rob a huge store.

Original Title: Good Girls
Country: USA
Release Date: 2019
Genres: Comedy, Crime, Drama
Creator: Jenna Bans
Cast: Christina Hendricks, Retta, Mae Whitman, Braxton Bjerken

Runtime: 43 min
Language: English


Episode 1: (416.72 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (1.41 GB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 2: (461.05 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (1.32 GB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 3: (402.04 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (1.33 GB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 4: (566.18 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (2.39 GB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 5: (365.84 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (855.49 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 6: (357.61 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (858.36 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 7: (462.85 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (1.40 GB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 8: (374.55 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (789.10 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 9: (378.28 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (786.71 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 10: (412.32 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (982.09 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 11: (499.77 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (904.87 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 12: (445.28 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (1.18 GB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles

Episode 13: (446.80 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles
720p: (1.18 GB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | TezFiles


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