If you haven't found some series, write to us and we will try to find it!
Ana (season 1)
1 episodes
When your mother is a beauty queen, you will definitely be raised to become a Hollywood star. But years go by, the fight against aging begins, and you are still not a diva pop. In childhood, the main character of the series “Ana” was taught to become famous, beautiful and forever young. However, time continues to fly by, a work visa expires, and drugs and free love transform their personality. In pursuit of the main role that would allow her to succeed in Hollywood, she realizes that her life is ruled by appearance. (more…)
The Eddy (season 1)
8 episodes
The protagonist is a skilled jazz pianist from New York named Elliot Udo, who moved to Paris and bought a part of the Whirlpool club there. This club does not bring absolutely any profit, rather it is even unprofitable. Maybe the whole point is that his business partner is simply deceiving him. And here, Elliot also has a relationship with singer Maya, who performs on the stage of The Maelstrom. These relationships cannot be called the simplest. Plus, the pianist does not want anyone to know about his past. (more…)
Brockmire (season 4)
8 episodes
The protagonist has been working as a radio host at the Chicago baseball stadium for many years. His voice has long been native to thousands of fans, and many consider him the mascot of the local team. But one day, Jim finds out about his wife’s infidelity and throws out all his resentment on the air of the next match, not embarrassed in expressions and details, and, naturally, takes off from work. Ten years later, after wandering and having lost everything except a couple of bags with clothes, Jim agrees to work in a god-mined mining town, where the local baseball team, made up of alcoholics and paunchies, clings to the spot in the lower league with all its strength. The initiator of the invitation is the owner of the local bar and a passionate fan of the local team. To win luck, even with Brockmire’s face, Jules is ready for anything, and her plan seems to work (more…)
Devs (season 1)
8 episodes
The main character, Lily Chan, works at the largest advanced quantum computing company, Amaya, based in San Francisco, as an engineer. Lily is pleased with her work until the moment she has serious suspicions about the fact that her friend was a victim of this IT company, and Amaya, its leaders and research are involved in his mysterious disappearance. The girl begins to ask questions and tries to find answers to find out the truth. Was it a tragic accident and her friend – just a victim of circumstances and unforeseen mistakes, or is it all someone’s plan? (more…)
Three Busy Debras (season 1)
6 episodes
The main characters of the comedy series “Three Busy Debras” are located within a large house, and go out only for groceries. To maintain a positive attitude, they refused to listen to the radio and watch TV. Being isolated, they managed to live excellently for a long period. However, the suburbs of Connecticut are not so small, and global changes will have to be heard even by those who refused to interconnect with neighbors or acquaintances. How will the ladies react to such external interference in their excellent idyll of tranquility? (more…)
Beef House (season 1)
6 episodes
The plot focuses on several men in their thirty. They are bachelors who believe that living together with someone is continuous care and constant commitment. Of course, all four of them know what they are doing, because they have a fifth friend, Eric. He is married, so the imprint of family life is visible on the character. The funny thing is that the characters, according to the traditions of the sitcom genre, have to get along under the roof of one house! How did it happen? Everything is very simple: the authors of the series “Beef House” set themselves the goal as much as possible to ridicule the typical features of this comedic direction. (more…)
Better Things (season 4)
10 episodes
Sam is a single mother. You will not envy her, because every day life throws up more and more new problems. The heroine does not have an extra minute to relax, and if she has, the woman torments herself with constant worries. Sam has to raise three daughters. And each is a unique person, developing in a completely different way to the other daughter. The main character herself tries to earn a living by filming on television. She often ends up in episodic roles or commercials, but she still makes ends meet. Despite the difficult situation, the woman finds a reason to stay true to her ideals and always be in high spirits. (more…)
Boomerang (season 2)
8 episodes
The focus is on the successful businessman Marcus Graham, whose life is the best. He has a prestigious high-paying job, a loving spouse, with whom he brings up children and a beautiful lover. Suddenly, grandiose changes burst into existence, which put the man before a serious choice. He needs to decide who to give preference to huge love for Angela or his strict boss. Mysteriously, he managed to replay fate and continue on his way. The problems are added by matured children who crave to leave the parent nest and step into adulthood. (more…)
After Life (season 2)
6 episodes
The main character was truly happy, next to his beloved woman, however, the unexpected death of his wife from an oncological disease changed everything. The old world collapsed. Loneliness turned out to be stronger – a man falls into depression. The desire to be with her lover prompted Tony to commit suicide, and only the dog, who must be taken care of, restrains the protagonist from a terrible act. The widower decides to live her own life and spits on conventions. Now he doesn’t care what people around him think of him. The main character behaves defiantly, rude to others, breaks down in lines and constantly enters into fights. In just a couple of months, Tony turned from a good-natured city dweller into a cynical psychopath. (more…)
Greenhouse Academy (season 4)
8 episodes
n the center of the drama series will be two teenagers who plan to continue the work of their mother. She studied, and then worked at an academy called Greenhouse. It was here that all the most important and unique achievements of mankind were invented. Ryan dreamed of conquering space and wanted to become the first female astronaut to fly around the moon. Just a tragedy happened and she died with her team. Her children decided that they would continue the work begun by the mother. Children manage to pass entrance exams well. After some time, strange notes fall into the hands of the guys, but in general the situation in the academy itself is tense to the limit. It turns out that a real conspiracy is brewing within the walls of the educational institution. Children learn that their mother died because she knew something about this …