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Call the Midwife (season 5)

2,366 views Comments (22)


8 episodes

The story focuses on real memories of midwife Jennifer Lee, which became the basis for a series of best-selling books by Jennifer Wharf. In the 50s Jenny arrived in a poor area of London, she settled there in the monastery Nonnatus with the other nuns to solve the medical problems of the East End. In everyday life midwives face patients and their families and it’s not only tragic, dramatic and sometimes shocking moments it also can be real comedy…


A Young Doctor’s Notebook (season 1)

2,518 views Comments (0)


4 episodes

In the early 20th century, a young doctor arrives in a small Russian village around the time of the Russian Revolution to work in the local hospital.


Death in Paradise (season 5)

3,889 views Comments (16)


8 episodes

Tv show Death in Paradise tells the story about inspector of the London Police Department, Richard Poole, who was sent to conduct an investigation into one of the (in his opinion), awful places in the world – the Caribbean island of Saint-Marie. But the problems just begins with his travel7


War and Peace (season 1)

5,455 views Comments (10)


6 episodes

“War and Peace” is an immortal novel by Lev Tolstoy  that will cast in 2016. The plot of the series revolves around five aristocratic families, and their complex relationship. Natasha Rostova in love with two guys: Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov, she must choose someone for her love and happiness. Events unfolding during the reign of Alexander 1.


Luther (season 4)

1,591 views Comments (20)


2 episodes

John Luther is one of the best cops in London, he has a high crime detection, but his methods are not right. He’s a bad cop with a dirty past and dirty practices. Does it come with it the way he does business. Or maybe for the capture of the criminal police department of London will be a blind eye to his methods?


Sherlock (season 3)

29,384 views Comments (52)

sherlock BBC poster season 3 2014

3 episodes+Special

In new season, two years after the devastating effects of The Reichenbach Fall, Dr John Watson has got on with his life. New horizons, romance and a comforting domestic future beckon. But, with London under threat of a huge terrorist attack, Sherlock Holmes is about to rise from the grave with all the theatricality that comes so naturally to him. It’s what his best friend wanted more than anything, but for John Watson it might well be a case of ‘be careful what you wish for’! If Sherlock thinks everything will be just as he left it though, he’s in for a very big surprise … (more…)


And Then There Were None (season 1)

2,748 views Comments (8)


3 episodes

One of the most interesting detectives ever written. And “Then There Were None” is Agatha Christie’s play, considered a benchmark of the detective genre. The play is based on the novel “Ten Little Indians” and tells the story of eight strangers who arrived on a deserted island. There they met a couple who works there as servants. Soonafter someone starts to kill them one by one…


Doctor Who (season 9)

8,747 views Comments (18)


12 episodes+Special

Humanoid, who calls himself the Doctor travels through time and space in a spaceship. The doctor is extremely eccentric and has an incredible knowledge of the technology, history and science. He travels with his companions, battling villains space. Initially, irritable and slightly sinister Doctor quickly relented and turned into a kind and compassionate.


Call the Midwife (season 4)

4,099 views Comments (40)


8 episodes + Christmas Special

In the center of the story is real memories of midwife Jennifer Lee, which became a basis for a series of best-selling books by Jennifer Wharf. In the 50s Jenny arrived in a poor area of London, settled in the monastery and Nonnatus with the nuns took to solve the health problems of the East End. In everyday life we see the work of midwives, life of patients and their families. This is not only tragic, dramatic and sometimes shocking moments, it’s a comedy too. Not accidentally shot in the series and Amazing Miranda Hart. TV drama has already received high praise from critics and rolls over ratings. All together it made the producers of the show after two pilot episodes from 6 to renew the show for a second season.



The Last Kingdom (season 1)

11,263 views Comments (20)


8 episodes

Times of Alfred the Great. The king finally able to free a British land from long oppression of the Vikings. The plot revolves around a kidnapped as newborn Utreda. He has Sachs origin, but he grew as the Viking. When the boy grew to manhood, he must choose to fight for Britain as a child of the Saxons or the conquer as a Viking …