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About a Boy (season 1)

4,541 views Comments (23)

About a Boy NBC season 1 2014 poster

13 episodes

Will Freeman lives a charmed existence as the ultimate man-child. After writing a hit song, he was granted a life of free time, free love and freedom from financial woes. He’s single, unemployed and loving it. So imagine his surprise when Fiona, a needy, single mom and her oddly charming 11-year-old son Marcus move in next door and disrupt his perfect world. When Marcus begins dropping by his home unannounced, Will’s not so sure about being a kid’s new best friend, until, of course, Will discovers that women find single dads irresistible. That changes everything and a deal is struck: Marcus will pretend to be Will’s son and, in return, Marcus is allowed to chill at Will’s house, play ping-pong and gorge on steaks, something his very vegan mom would never allow. Before he realizes it, Will starts to enjoy the visits and even finds himself looking out for the kid. In fact, this newfound friendship may very well teach him a thing or two that he never imagined possible — about himself and caring for others. (more…)


Castle (season 6)

35,212 views Comments (63)

Castle poster season 6 2013 ABC

23 episodes

Castle and Beckett finally gave into their feelings for each other. Working together as a couple during Season 5, the crime-solving dynamic duo navigated new chapters in their lives, culminating in a cliffhanger in which Castle got down on one knee and asked Beckett to marry him. Five years watched and waited the answer. New season will begin with her answer… (more…)


How I Met Your Mother (season 6)

2,813 views Comments (17)

How I Met Your Mother CBS season 6 2010 poster

24 episodes

In the season 6 Ted again taken for the design of the new headquarters of the bank “Goliath”, which should be built on the site of the hotel “Arcadian”. Marshall and Lily are trying to conceive. Marshall hard going through his father’s death. He was dismissed from the “Goliath” and again looking for a job related to environmental protection. Robin going through a break with Don, and later received a prestigious job in television. Barney admits that his father – not Bob Barker. After meeting with the real father, Barney is trying to catch the last few years and realizes that his father was not such as he had imagined. (more…)


How I Met Your Mother (season 5)

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How I Met Your Mother CBS season 5 2009 poster

24 episodes

In this season Ted begins his job as a professor of architecture, standing in the middle of a classroom – although the mother was present, it turns out to be an economics class as he’s in the wrong lecture hall. Barney and Robin have had a sexual relationship throughout the summer and Lily locks them in a room, forcing them to come to terms with their relationship. After a rough patch they decide to break up. Robin describes it instead as “two friends getting back together.” Barney immediately goes back to his old ways, using the playbook to score with women. Throughout the season Barney and Robin show feelings of regret over their break-up. (more…)


How I Met Your Mother (season 4)

2,551 views Comments (14)

How I Met Your Mother CBS season 4 2008 poster

24 episodes

In the fourth season in the lives of the characters undergoing great changes. Stella agrees to marry Ted. Marshall and Lily finally move into their new apartment. Robin agrees to a new job in Japan, but it is even worse than the position of the reporter channel “Metro News 1″ and Robin soon returned to New York. Stella throws Ted at the altar and returns to Tony – father of her daughter. Ted finds out about Barney’s feelings for Robin. Barney finally slept with his two hundred women. (more…)


How I Met Your Mother (season 3)

2,205 views Comments (9)

How I Met Your Mother CBS season 3 2007 poster

20 episodes

New season – new events in the life of the main characters. Marshall is studying to be a lawyer, Lily becomes a shopaholic. Barney gets a slap in the third day of Thanksgiving. Ted tries to remove from the back butterfly tattoo and falls in love with a dermatologist. (more…)


How I Met Your Mother (season 2)

2,991 views Comments (19)

How I Met Your Mother CBS season 2 2006 poster

22 episodes

Events of the second season developed immediately after the break Marshall and Lily. Marshall tries to get used to the idea that he would have to live without Lily, while she returned to New York, knowing that she did not become a real artist. Ted things on the personal front are somewhat better – he continues to meet with Robin. Ted learns that Robin was in her youth the Canadian pop star. (more…)


How I Met Your Mother (season 1)

5,305 views Comments (24)

How I Met Your Mother CBS season 1 2005 poster

22 episodes

In 2030, Ted Mosby tells his teenage children about past, early relationships with their mom and stories which happened with him and his friends in his youth, in 2005. Ted says that he began actively seeking his second half under the influence of the fact that his best friend Marshall told him that he intends to make a formal proposal to his girlfriend Lily. This leads him to get acquainted with a Canadian Robin Scherbatsky who running on television. To become better acquainted, he invites a girl to a party, but she does not come … (more…)


Two and a Half Men (season 11)

23,722 views Comments (9)

two and a half men poster CBS season 11 2013

22 episodes

In the last season Alan and Jake took a father-son bonding trip before Jake went on assignment in Japan. Walden had the unique experience of dating a 22-year-old girl and her grandmother at the same time. Season 11 will be surprise. Charlie was a father! Meet his daughter, who shares more than a few characteristics with her father … (more…)


Saint George (season 1)

2,385 views Comments (1)

Saint George FX season 1 2014 poster

10 episodes

New comedy follows the chaotic life of “George Lopez,” a recently divorced working class Mexican-American turned successful entrepreneur caught between two cultures. He struggles to balance the parenting demands of his All-American Anglo ex-wife, “Mackenzie,” and the cultural expectations of his overbearing Mexican-American mother, “Alma.” As George attempts to relate to his 11-year-old son, “Harper,” his life is further complicated by his fun-loving but freeloading uncle “Tio” and cousin “Junior.” As a wealthy businessman, George also gives back by teaching history to a multi-cultural classroom at a night school in downtown Los Angeles, where he’s supervised by tough and sexy Assistant Principal “Concepcion.” Ultimately, Saint George is a celebration of a multi-generational family that humorously wrestles with cultural differences. (more…)