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Demonic (2015)

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demonicFive students were found dead. Their bodies were in such terrible condition that the investigation had to spend a lot of time on their identification. To investigation was attached detective Mark Lewis – one of the best in the county and psychologist Elizabeth Kline. Fortunately, the first suspect was found – his name is John Ascot. The guy claims that all five children addicted to paranormal phenomena, and always tried to prove their existence. John told them that he knew about their trip to the abandoned house. Students gathered there to conduct their experiments. However, they failed to realize that this demonic house is the gateway to hell…



Hope Lost (2015)

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hope-lostSofia is a young and beautiful girl from Romania, she lived in a small town and she was so bored with it that one day she decided to escape from there. She came to Rome and intended to subdue it, she wanted to get into the world of glamor and glitz. She met Gabriel – young producer, and he immediately offered her help. She jumped into his car, and he had introduced her to an unknown location and were forced to work as a prostitute…



Blackhat (2015)

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Humen created computers to remove its own duties in a complex calculations, production control, understandable operations and so on and so worth. We really have reached a high level in the progress of technology, but can we survive when all that civilization stops once? The film is about the case when mainframe computers of United States and China struck a powerful cyber attacks. (more…)


GirlHouse (2015)

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girlhouseA young student who needs money a lot agrees to the entreaties of her friends to appear nude for online viewers. They rented a big house and furnish it with cameras. Everything went very well, the audience grew more and more with each passing day. It is obvious that such games are addicted by not always normal guys, one of them turned out to be too much inadequate. When he began to pester the main character, she blocked him and thought that the problem is solved. But no, the guy figured out where the girls live and decided to take revenge on all of them…



The Refugees (season 1)

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8 episodes

Mankind is threatened by a new catastrophe, that’s why 3, 000 million people have returned to present from the future. There are two main rules for the refugees who came on Earth, they should not say that they have arrived from future and to contact with their ancestors in any case. The series focuses on the story of Samuel Cruz, his wife Emma Cruz and little Annie. Once they met a boy Alex, he’s a refugee and he has a very special mission…



Poltergeist (2015)

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Bowen is a typical American family. A large house, a successful job, Erik and Emma have three children. What more can they ask for? However, soon the fair tale crashes due to Madison – the youngest daughter, who begins to talk about ghosts, voices and someone who lives on TV. The parents did not believe at first, but when Madison was gone, they came face to face with the horror that a girl was talking about… (more…)


Hungry Hearts (2014)

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hungry-heartsThe film tells us about new heroes at a very unromantic circumstances – in the men’s room, where Mina got accidentaly. Jude tries to light up the awkward moment with conversation, and soon the pair will plan the wedding. Pregnant Mina will start the pendulum of mutual discontent. Strict vegetarian Mina refuses to heed the advice of doctors, urging expectant mother that for normal fetal development is not enough animal protein. Sacrifice their principles for the sake of the child’s health Mina?



Hellion (2014)

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hellion“Hellion” tells the story about teenager Jacob. The protagonist is sophisticated young man, who after the death of his mother began to disappear in the street and do terrible things. Behavior of Jacob brings even more discord in the family, because his father Hollis is not giving time to raise sons. Once Jacob bows his younger brother by the name of Wes on offense, and after they were unable to turn the plans Wes caught by police. An employee from the service for the protection of children are forced to send Hollis Wes to another city to his aunt Pam. Now Jacob intends realizing his fault somehow return back home Wes…



Unknown Caller (2015)

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unknown-callerFilm Unknown Caller tells the story about the psychopath. He does not know who is he, the only thing he has – it is the skills of hacker, I must say – beautiful hacker who can crack any code, any secuarity system. It turns out that the psychopath is using his skills for bad purposes, he hacks into the security system of the house where the family lives and starts to terrorize them. If they did not give him an answer within 90 minutes on a question ‘WHO AM I?’, they will die, because he reprograms the software on the explosion…



The Connection (2015)

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MV5BNzY2MjcxOTA4Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjAwOTYwNTE@._V1_SY317_CR0,0,214,317_AL_Police officer Pierre Michel is a head of a major department that fights against drugs trafficking. He is trying to cut off the channels of drug traffic that swept his country and especially the port cities. For a long time he was trying to detect the Mafia bosses who involved in drug business. Despite all attempts to block the smuggling of drugs Pierre can not succeed. Authorities are involved in this dirty business too and otherwise interfere with his investigation. What remains to him except for legal methods of struggle?
