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House Of Lies (season 1)

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House Of Lies (season 1) tv show poster

12 episodes

Unusual and sardonic look at the highly successful and ruthless consultant Marty Kaan (Don Cheadle), who does not shrink from any means to get the right information for his clients. Kristen Bell plays a graduate of a prestigious university Jeannie Van Der Hooven, which works in the Marty firm.

Original Title: House Of Lies
Country, Channel:  USA, Showtime
Release Date: January 8, 2012
Genres: Comedy
Series Directed by: Stephen Hopkins
Cast:  Don Cheadle, Kristen Bell, Sapphire, Misha Huang, Valencia Barnes, Kai Caster, Jennifer Birmingham, Ayelet Ben-Shahar, Marc Bicking, Jonathan Bray, Sabina Gadecki, Jeannine Kaspar


Episode 1: The Gods of Dangerous Financial Instruments (232,9 MB)
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Episode 2: Amsterdam (233,7 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | NitroFlare

Episode 3: Microphallus (233,4 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | NitroFlare

Episode 4: Mini-Mogul (233,3 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | NitroFlare

Episode 5: Utah (233,2 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | NitroFlare

Episode 6: Our Descent Into Los Angeles (233,2 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | NitroFlare

Episode 7: Bareback Town (232,8 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | NitroFlare

Episode 8: Veritas (231,7 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | NitroFlare

Episode 9: Ouroboros (231,4 MB)
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Episode 10: Prologue and Aftermath (231,6 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | NitroFlare

Episode 11: Business (231,5 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | NitroFlare

Episode 12: The Mayan Apocalypse (231,3 MB)
Publish2 | Keep2share | NitroFlare


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  • Guest

    Can you re-up episodes 1-7? All links are dead. Thanks.

  • MegaNova

    90% of links on both site are down.



  • JB

    Hi its me again can you re-upload season 1&2 of house of lies. Thanks
    Uploaded links please!!!!!!!

  • master_web


  • JB

    You are the best

  • qwert

    Please, it’s possible to upload again all episodes from season 1?

  • qwert

    Have you stopped using uploaded?


    Yes, Sorry, but Uploaded files removed very quickly and we just do not have time to reupload. We were not able to agree. Read more

  • tmartins

    Hi. Please make available all episodes for Season 1 on AsFile

  • gnulab

    links are all dead

  • fj098

    Now all is well

  • Bobby Lovatt

    Can you make all seasons available on you preferred Cloud share: NITROFLARE. Thanks

  • fj098
