If you haven't found some series, write to us and we will try to find it!
Escape Room (2017)
On the birthday a young man receives from his girlfriend an unusual gift – a certificate for the quest “Escape Room”. This is an intellectual game in which one or more players are locked in a room decorated with a special entourage, from which they have to get out for a certain time, finding different objects and “keys” and solving all sorts of puzzles. On the same day, they, together with two pairs of friends, go to one of the escape rooms to try to pass this quest. It takes them one hour to solve all the riddles and get out of the enclosed space, but the further they try to advance in the passage of the quest, the more serious the dangers waiting for them become.
Brad’s Status (2017)
Officially, the film “Brad’s Status” is claimed as a comedy, although in reality it is a complex movie that provokes strong thoughts. The main character of is Brad Sloan. Going to send his son to one of the most prestigious colleges, Brad is faced with the fact that so long drove from his head. Having met with long-time friends who have achieved real success, ordinary homeland of the suburbs will have to experience a whole range of emotions, including frustration, fatigue, envy and dissatisfaction. Brad understands that there is no chance to change the fate. But at the same time, he achieved amazing results, he simply does not yet suspect this. Or rather does not want to see them. (more…)
2:22 (2017)
The thriller “2:22″ will tell you about the air traffic controller Dylan, who issues permits for aircraft to take off and land. He calculates all possible flight trajectories, which makes him a very valuable worker. But at one point in 2 hours and 22 minutes he was “frozen” for a second, in connection with which two aircraft almost collided, but the situation was resolved in the best way for passengers. In the last moment he manages to divide the routes, but from that moment his life can not be the same. He was left behind, he calculated the super formula, and now he is able to predict the future. In search of a terrible truth, Dylan gets acquainted with a mysterious girl named Sarah, with whom he reveals the sinister secret of crossing the fates. She was the passenger of one of the rescued aircraft. But Dylan remarks that every day is like the previous one, and people are the same, and they say the same thing.
The Man With The Iron Heart (2017)
The plot of the drama “The Man With The Iron Heart” is based on surviving after World War II documents, photographs, and eyewitness accounts of those terrible events, and is dedicated to the historical personality of Reinhard Heydrich. This scary person was called the chief architect of the Holocaust, and one of the main performers of the project of the Jewish genocide, both in Germany and in all the occupied territories. In his 27 years, Heydrich was considered a very important person for the Nazi party. During the war, Heydrich’s atrocities were legendary, and the Czech partisans, at the risk of their own lives, began to work out a plan to destroy a man who was highly valued by the Nazi leadership.
The Evil Within (2017)
A horror thriller “The Evil Within” tells about a demonic entity from an old mirror that takes possession of a mentally unstable teenager. Closed mentally retarded boy Dennis Peterson experiences the death of his parents. Teenager is tormented by dreams – terrible visions, inspired by memories and long-standing fears. The only person close to him is his brother John, busy with work, solving problems and a beloved girl. Johnny can not sit by the side of a mentally ill brother, so Dennis is left to himself. The huge antique mirror, brought from the basement, beautiful, but frightening, draws the attention of the boy. To distract himself, Dennis starts to talk with a reflection, which eagerly listens to him. Soon it turns out that the mirror twin of the poor boy is a powerful demonic entity, rushing out. (more…)
Gerald’s Game (2017)
According to the plot of the movie “Gerald’s Game” a married couple Jesse and Gerald come to the weekend in a cozy country house. The purpose of the visit: to warm up the cooled intimate life, because of which, in the opinion of the heroes, their marriage suffers. Arriving at the place, the couple did not even close the door, almost immediately proceed. The absence of neighbors and strangers, beautiful lingerie and handcuffs warm up the spouses. And at the moment when the bracelets closed on the hands of Jesse, chained to the bed, Gerald overtakes a heart attack. And from this moment for the unfortunate woman begins a nightmare: the key to handcuffs is out of reach, like the phone. For miles around there is nobody, but a hungry dog is wandering around, and the door in the house is open. (more…)
Bushwick (2017)
The movie “Bushwick” is tense action about the military attack that struck New York by the efforts of Texas separatists. In the midst of the hustle and bustle, young Lucy tries to reach home, bypassing soldiers, marauders, traitors. Her unexpected companion is a veteran of a menacing appearance. Student Lucy brings her boyfriend Jose to her native Bushwick to introduce him to her sister and grandmother. But already in the subway begin strange things – on the platform there is nobody, and the controller declares a state of emergency. The boy is killed with an explosion at the exit from the metro, it turns out that the peaceful quarter is now a theater of military operations – armed people everywhere, snipers on the roofs, armored vehicles. Scared Lucy in a panic stumbles on two scumbags with pistols.
American Made (2017)
The movie “American Made” is about the passionate, disastrous desire to get rich, which pushed private pilot-adventurer Barry Seal, to illegal earnings. Having become acquainted with the brutal heads of the monopolistic cartel Medellan, he began to engage in criminal, covert transportation of expensive drugs. However, the CIA agents soon revealed a clear connection between the compatriot and the foreign criminal syndicate and offered to work for the government. But the existence of a double agent is in danger when the Mafia expose the lucky spy. Only the timely intervention of the curators of this operation can save the unlucky hero who finds himself in a very difficult, delicate situation.
A Very Sordid Wedding (2017)
The plot of the movie “A Very Sordid Wedding” shows the life of a small provincial town of Texas. All the inhabitants of this town must obey the laws and moral standards. Religion dictates to them how to build relationships, how to have fun, to marry and educate children. But Latrell’s sisters were tired of such a life and decided to challenge the city, as well as destroy the established stereotypes in the city. They support the ban of same-sex marriages. These brave women created the “Anti-Equality Rally”. On their way there will be very unfriendly people and not all will support them.
The Emoji Movie (2017)
This is a cartoon “The Emoji Movie (2017)” where all emotions live in the city of Textopolis and everyone performs their function. If you are a crying smiley, you should always cry, even when everything is fine, but if laughing, then laugh always, even when it’s bad. But our main character Gene is not exactly normal. It combines all the smileys, and should be just Mee (like boredom), like his parents. Emoji has a job where they stand in cubes, and when a person selects certain smiles, they are scanned and the image is transferred to the screen. The first day Gene just was not successful, his “mee” at the right time did not work, because of what he panicked and he was scanned anyhow, and the image came to Alex’s girlfriend. (more…)