Mystery Girls (season 1)
10 episodes
The comedy series follows two former detective TV show starlets brought back together by a real-life mystery. Charlie Contour is a suburban housewife and mother, while Holly Hamilton longs for her glory days in the 90’s when she was on television. Both of their lives are disrupted when Nick, a witness to a crime and a “Mystery Girls” fanatic, will only speak to the famous duo, and the former friends must reunite and put their TV crime-solving skills to the test.
Original Title: Mystery Girls
Country, Channel: USA, ABC Family
Release Date: June 25, 2014
Genres: Comedy
Creators: Shepard Boucher, Tori Spelling
Cast: Tori Spelling, Jennie Garth, Miguel Pinzon, Medalion Rahimi, Rishi Arya, Michelle Azar, Brec Bassinger, Danika Yarosh
Runtime: 21 min
Language: English
Episode 1: Pilot (169,58 MB)
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Episode 2: Partners in Crime (173,34 MB)
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Episode 3: Haunted House Party (168,58 MB)
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Episode 4: (168,35 MB)
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Episode 5: Sister Issues (168,83 MB)
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Episode 6: High School Mystery (152,64 MB)
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Episode 7: Passing the Torch (169,11 MB)
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Episode 8: Death Rose (161,07 MB)
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Episode 9: Bag Ladies (169,23 MB)
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Episode 10: The Killer Returns (169,17 MB)
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