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Noah (2014)

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Noah (2014) movie posterDecision to base the story biblical story is a very bold and ambitious. But the writers, in my opinion, acted very competently. betraying not a literal retelling, but rather a variation on the theme of the Flood. Do not expect from the picture following the canons of the genre, which were laid at the dawn of cinema. This film is different slant fantasy rather than a historical genre. Really liked the fact that the film seriously affected by the problem of the survival of the human race, and in the course of the narrative put quite a logical question: how reasonable saving a species which is so prone to parasitism and self-destruction? The question is really hard, but the writers quite gracefully beat it and add a conflict between belief in the depravity of mankind Noah and his wife’s charity, accustomed to see the best in people. And the outcome of this conflict, I personally liked.

Original Title: Noah
Country: USA
Release Date: March 28, 2014
Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Drama
Director: Darren Aronofsky
Cast: Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Ray Winstone, Emma Watson, Logan Lerman, Douglas Booth, Anthony Hopkins

Runtime: 138 min
Language: English

Quality: BluRay 1080p
Resolution: 720 x 384
Audio: AC-3, 448 Kbps
Video: MPEG-4, 1744 Kbps
Size: 2.06 GB



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