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Spartacus: War of the Damned (season 3)
10 episodes
The new season begins 6 months after the events at Vesuvius. Thousands of runaway slaves joined to the Spartacus rebellion. There is a fierce war. At this time, a young 27-year-old Gaius Julius Caesar makes the first steps towards the creation and management of the Empire. He uses not only the mind but also smashing sword for taming and destruction of the rebels. Marcus Crassus, the richest man in Rome, forwarded on the operation to get rid of the bold slaves …
Original Title: Spartacus: War of the Damned
Country, Channel: USA, Starz
Release Date: January 25, 2013
Genres: Action, Adventure, Biography, Drama, History
Directed by: Michael Hurst
Cast: Liam McIntyre as Spartacus, Manu Bennett as Crixus, Dustin Clare as Gannicus, Cynthia Addai-Robinson as Naevia, Ellen Hollman as Saxa, Dan Feuerriegel as Agron, Gwendoline Taylor as Sibyl, Anna Hutchison as Laeta, Jenna Lind as Kore, Todd Lasance as Caesar, Simon Merrells as Crassus, Christian Antidormi as Tiberius, Pana Hema-Taylor as Nasir
Runtime: 60 min
Language: English
Episode 1: Enemies of Rome (445,9 MB)
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Episode 2: Wolves at the Gate (432,6 MB)
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Episode 3: Men of Honor (456,6 MB)
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Episode 4: Decimation (456,4 MB)
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Episode 5: Blood Brothers (432,6 MB)
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Episode 6: Spoils of War (457,2 MB)
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Episode 7: Mors Idecepta (432,4 MB)
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Episode 8: Seperate Paths (432,9 MB)
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Episode 9: The Dead and the Dying (465,4 MB)
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Episode 10: Victory (472,0 MB)
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explosive ssn with an unusual but satisfying ending. it been a long run
Hello. Thank you for your comment.
Spartacus its the best, next SEASON plis
This is the final season.
Impossible doawnload episode 9 and 10
Hi, fixed! Have a good mood!
NO better seires than this….
way too soon to end !!!!
I am new to loadtv, whats the password for the zip files ?
no password
I may never witness such glories victory in this life again,gratitude for all who gave us such a entertainment,the whole series was truly a wonder & i have no words to describe the end,its really a heart touching end to those who were with four seasons of Spartacus..
You are welcome!
Man I hate it’s over! Loved all the series and I just love the actors they played their parts so believable.
Hello. Thank you for your comment.
And also Crassius was cruel to his soldiers on the point of decimation…another true fact.
Thank you for such a detailed comment. I really liked this series. This is the best historical series that I’ve seen. I also liked HBO’ “Rome.” If you haven’t seen – I recommend. It’s a pity that there is only one episode. Stars has an idea to remove series about Julius Caesar. I hope that they will do it.
You mean create a series about Julius Caesar? Sounds cool. I would watch it. Yes I did watch Rome-all 3 seasons until it was canceled…too bad. I heard it was bc people were offended by the rape and violence. But that’s how it was back then. Spartacus is way more graphic though which is ironic that it didn’t have that reaction but it could be due to the fact they are both on different movie network channels. I also loved Tudors…watched those all and Boardwalk Empire as well. I never got into Mad Men, Sopranos, or Borgias but I love historical or period/mafia shows too. I’m looking forward to watching Davinci Demons to see if that’s good because Magic City was a disappointment to me. I even bought my dad season 1 of Spartacus for Xmas bc he lives abroad and doesn’t have access to that series and he’s hooked. I’m buying him the rest for his Bday and I’m going to buy it for myself I love it so much! Another great show you should watch that are my favorites are Lost which I was sad to see end and now Breaking Bad and Dexter are ending as well. Soon, I will have to find something else. I heard the Following, Cult, Revolution were pretty good. And I am starting to watch Bates Motel and Hannibal now. Those are decent.
Have fun watching! Just one more episode! Oh yea walking dead is awesome too!
And in the role of Julius Caesar is the same actor as in Spartacus. I recommend watching the TV series “Banshee.”
Hmm never heard of that one…that’s interesting…I wonder how Spartacus will end..cants wait to see it but sad to see it end:(
Have a good mood!
This is for the comments that Shikotan 2000 has made in reference to Spartacus. Instead of trying to downplay the series for other Spartacus lovers, including myself, let me tell you the “research” I have read in comparison to the show. Yes, Spartacus did have Crixus, Oenomaus, & Gannicas by his side and they did meet as gladiators through the gladiator camp of Batiatus, even though it wasn’t a true friendship at first b/w Crixus & Spartacus. Also, there was a war that Crixus battled against the Romans (many in fact) when he split paths from Spartacus. Though it could have been from a rift in their friendship, history suggests that it was similar to episode 8, Separate Paths, in which Crixus & Spartacus created a diversion against the Romans and separated w/ an alliance intact to defeat the Roman Army, in which Crixus did die in battle. Glaber & his attempt to kill Spartacus at Mt Vesuvius was accurate in which he was defeated by Spartacus. So also was the strategic but failed attempt by Crassius to defeat Spartacus in the mountains Another interesting truth: Tyberius is mentioned as Crassius’ son, ends up defeating Mark Antony & Cleopatra in history after they both succumbed to their opium addiction. So, unfortunately, he doesn’t really die. I don’t know if he really was such a monster, as the show suggests, either. He isn’t even mentioned in this rebellion much. But, hey he is placed in the show as Roman son of Crassius & I’m glad he died in episode 12. I mean, what a sicko to rape another man to teach a lesson, right? His father Crassius did remarry, whether to a slave girl he loved or not, I don’t recall. However, history also states interestingly that Julius Caesar, or perhaps his relative aka Julius Caesar, not sure which, marries Crassius’ former wife later. And of course, though there is nothing in history to suggest that Julius Caesar & Spartacus ever met in actual life, as the show has brought Caesar’s character on for ratings & recognition, who’s to say that they didn’t? Truthfully, despite all the “research”, we don’t know what truly happened all those centuries ago. There are contradictions on this fact. All we can do is speculate. First of all, though I did find info on Spartacus’ rebellion, it says very little about him & his “supposed” end. At the time, most slaves probably couldn’t read or write unless they were in an aristocratic home as slaves. Roman scholars, the Senate, & of course other aristocracy were more than likely responsible for transcribing Roman history. If Spartacus was successful or even if he did truly die but caused extreme damage & embarrassment to the Republic through his rebellion, it would be reasonable to think that little mention of Spartacus & what truly happened is b/c the Romans tried to distort or leave out the major facts. Plus, they may not have known most of what happened except for what the Senate tells them what to record in history. It does say his body was never found and the rebellion was defeated supposedly. The fact is that it still stands today as one of the biggest anti-slave rebellions though “research” claims that Spartacus may have not had that motive in mind to end slavery. Personally, I don’t think that is true because why else would a great leader as Spartacus start such a rebellion if not to end the cruelty that Romans inflicted on the slaves? It is a common thing still happening in Washington today. I’m sure there is more truth to the JFK assassination or Area 51 but as the govt suggests to the media & people, there is nothing else to be found. Do you truly believe that? Who knows? Point is, we can’t claim to know what truly happened no matter what research we have read. It is definitely suspicious that little is mentioned about Spartacus’ true death if there was one so I do think the Romans could have distorted or left out truth to avoid admitting defeat. With the content found, I think the writers may have embellished for graphic content perhaps but, overall, they even state the series is loosely based on fact. Your comparison to the series as just a “dumb Hollywood movie” is because (of one of many reasons) that you feel “Spartacus can’t jump in armor & other crap as idiocy” is in fact an “idiotic” statement. The series is loved & popular b/c it tries to tell it like it was in those days—gladiators did fight to the death so why the hell would they not be able to handle those heavy weapons of torture and jump in armor? They were trained to do so. If an NFL player can do a flip in full pads and helmet, why the hell couldn’t a gladiator do the same? Have you ever even seen weapons of that time in a museum? I have visited many castles in Europe and have been exposed to seeing many Roman/medieval torture or defense weapons and guess what? I give props to men of that time…the weight of the swords alone could break the normal everyday man’s wrist by swinging it. Back then it was considered an everyday use. Times were harder and obviously different back then. Of course, the Romans were more of a European mentality & worshipped many idols/gods, & Catholicism didn’t come into effect till later in Europe, so fornication & the use of slaves for sex/amusement/violence was common. In fact, it was probably the worst time in slave history for them before and during the rebellion…not just due to the fact that times were harder but things were not as civilized as in later slave rebellions in history. The true value & theme of the show that you miss, sadly, due to your ignorance is that there was an ordinary man named Spartacus in Roman history who became the first legendary leader & hero to others to start a war against slavery b/c he believed in hope & freedom & that people were not meant to be treated as animals/playthings. They will always rebel if forced into doing something that opposes or threatens their moral/civil rights. Spartacus was the first but he definitely wasn’t the last leader to oppose slavery but he should be remembered. Unfortunately, history does repeat itself but, we as Americans, and even the whole world save for Communist countries have found a voice similar to Spartacus to break the bonds of slavery through the guidance of later leaders/rebellions…I’m sure I don’t need to go into details about the Jews, African Americans, Indians, or rebellion against the Vietnam War (among other wars but this one did leave major impact in the 60s), etc. America is now a free country and past leaders like Spartacus & his predecessors have made that possible by fighting for their freedom through as the show states ” sweat, blood, & tears”. That is a message against slavery that still stands today. To not truly appreciate the overall “picture” of the series or understand its true themes & instead dissect it from an pretentious point of view is rather petty & close minded. I know this is way too long for my point, so in conclusion, instead of also doing “research”, try considering the actual value & message of such an epic series & why its fans love it. Otherwise, it just makes your opinions “dumb”. But due to freedom of speech, opinions are like ass—–, & everyone has one, right? LOL. Or simply put, “You Can’t Handle The Truth”!! LOL
when is Episode 10 coming out does anyone know … and is it the last episode . Will there be another serious of Spartacus
Episode 10: Victory (April 12, 2013). And it will be the last episode of the series.
What is the next
Hello, done. Have a nice day!
episode 9 please…..
Hi, done. Have a good time!
waiting the 9 & 10 episodes.
Hello, done. Have a nice day!
ep9 ?????? wen can i download
about 12 hours
eps 9 please…
wait, please, about 12 hours
please fix links asfile
patiently waiting the 9 & 10 episodes. Then is that the finish?
Unfortunately, yes
can any 1 help me find a place to download the 2008 knight rider series?
mana nch yng episode 8 kok blm klwr..
Hey, done. Have a good one!