The Baby (season 1)
8 episodes
“The Baby” (Season 1) is a British horror comedy television series. The story follows 38-year-old Natasha, who is furious that all her closest friends are having babies. Her life takes a dramatic turn when she unexpectedly finds herself with a baby of her own. However, this is no ordinary baby; it’s manipulative, controlling, and has a sinister streak with violent powers that twist Natasha’s life into a bizarre horror show. As Natasha struggles to cope with the chaos brought by the baby, she is forced to uncover its origins and understand what it wants from her. Throughout the series, Natasha’s journey is filled with dark comedy and supernatural elements, creating a unique blend of horror and humor. The baby’s presence not only disrupts her life but also forces her to confront her own fears and insecurities. The performances of the cast, particularly Michelle de Swarte as Natasha, bring depth and relatability to the story, making it both engaging and thought-provoking. “The Baby” offers a fresh take on the horror genre by combining it with sharp wit and satirical commentary on societal expectations of motherhood.
Original Title: The Baby
Country: United Kingdom, United States
Release Date: 2024
Genres: Comedy, Horror, Mystery
Creator: Lucy Gaymer, Sian Robins-Grace
Cast: Albie Hills, Arthur Hills, Michelle de Swarte
Runtime: 40 min
Language: English
Episode 1: (246.11 MB)
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720p: (501.01 MB)
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Episode 2: (213.26 MB)
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720p: (440.85 MB)
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Episode 3: (206.91 MB)
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720p: (431.52 MB)
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Episode 4: (240.51 MB)
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720p: (471.55 MB)
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Episode 5: (273.47 MB)
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720p: (559.37 MB)
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Episode 6: (207.10 MB)
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720p: (422.66 MB)
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Episode 7: (186.95 MB)
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720p: (375.06 MB)
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Episode 8: (209.39 MB)
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720p: (418.01 MB)
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