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Married (season 2)

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Married (season 2) tv show poster

13 episodes

А middle-aged couple Lina and Russ live together all their entire life. They rise their daughters and enjoyed the fact that they have each other. But it always happens there is some sadness in the house and the two heroes understand why. The sense of adventure is gone, all in their marriage occurs fairly monotonous. Russ and Lina think about the past and what feelings they experienced earlier. Now self-hot passion is replaced by confidence in each other. What will do the main characters to fulfill their marrige with passion?

Original Title: Married
Country, Channel: USA, FX
Release Date: 2014
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Creator: Andrew Gurland
Cast: Nat Faxon, Judy Greer, Jenny Slate, Rachel Eggleston, Raevan Lee Hanan, Skylar Gray

Runtime: 22 min
Language: English


Episode 1: Thanksgiving (172,35 MB)
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Episode 2: Aftershocks (144,78 MB)
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Episode 3: The Sandwich (102,83 MB)
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Episode 4: Koreatown (153,62 MB)
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Episode 5: Pimps (178,86 MB)
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Episode 6: Murder! (186,85 MB)
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Episode 7: The Cruise (165,55 MB)
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Episode 8: Mother’s Day (203,44 MB)
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Episode 9: Guardians (172,71 MB)
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Episode 10: 1997 (154,19 MB)
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Episode 11: Triggers (175,57 MB)
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Episode 12: Gymnastics (186,21 MB)
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Episode 13: The Waiter (209,29 MB)
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