American Sports Story (season 1)
4 episodes
American Sports Story (season 1) is a sports drama anthology series that premiered on FX. The first season, titled American Sports Story: Aaron Hernandez, focuses on the rise and fall of former NFL player Aaron Hernandez. The series explores his complex identity, family dynamics, career, and the tragic events leading to his conviction for murder and subsequent suicide in prison. The show begins with Hernandez’s early life in Bristol, Connecticut, highlighting his relationship with his father and his promising football career. It then follows his time at the University of Florida and with the New England Patriots, where he becomes insulated from consequences due to his success. The narrative delves into his criminal activities, including the shooting of his associate Alexander Bradley and the murder of Odin Lloyd, which ultimately led to his downfall.
Original Title: American Sports Story
Country: United States
Release Date: 2024
Genres: Biography, Drama, Sport
Creator: Stuart Zicherman
Cast: Josh Rivera, Patrick Schwarzenegger, Lindsay Mendez
Runtime: 40 min
Language: English
Episode 1: (475.20 MB)
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720p: (2.10 GB)
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Episode 2: (515.47 MB)
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720p: (1.92 GB)
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Episode 3: (506.26 MB)
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720p: (1.81 GB)
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Episode 4: (415.65 MB)
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720p: (870.21 MB)
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