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Love, Lies and Records (season 1)

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6 episodes

Kate Dickinson is a civil status registrar. She struggles to maintain a balance between the life of a single mother and the way work affects her worldview. After she gets the seat of the superintendent, Kate becomes even more difficult to combine the responsibilities of the mother of two teenagers with a new position. Soon, the situation is completely out of control, when a dissatisfied colleague of the heroine of the series “Love, Lies and Records” begins to threaten to uncover the secret of her past.


Peaky Blinders (season 4)

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6 episodes

The British TV series “Peaky Blinders” will tell about the events that took place in a small town called Birmingham in the twenties of the last century. In England, criminal groups are only gaining momentum, so business, controlled by various anti-legal groups of people, is becoming more and more common. We are acquainted with the Shelby family. They are engaged in such a gangster activity. They are people who do not know mercy. They are cruel and serious about doing business for their own benefit. Their passion for gambling, robbery and appearance was their distinguishing feature: the characters always wore caps, in whose visors the deadly blades were sewn. The whole town was afraid of these people.


The A Word (season 2)

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The A Word

6 episodes

The plot unfolds around the standard at first glance Hughes family, in whose lives there are both positive moments full of love, cares and attention to each other, and negative, expressing the expressed in conflicts, inconsistencies and disagreements. However, only one word of the doctor “autism”, referring to the youngest son, completely changes the situation in the house and makes every member of the family reconsider his attitude to life. Everyone has to reconsider their habits and behavior so as not to violate the rules of communication with the boy. How the family manages to cope and not lose heart with such a difficult situation, will tell the second season of the series “The A Word”. (more…)


Red Dwarf (season 12)

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6 episodes

The main events of the series “Red Dwarf” are connected with the same spacecraft, which belongs to the mining company. On board the ship there was a surge of radiation, so almost all living things died. Only the technique Dave Lister, who at the time of the tragedy was in the moderator of time, and the pregnant cat trapped in the cargo compartment, managed to survive. The on-board computer accurately calculates when it is possible to wake up Dave to prevent the radiation background from killing him. For this reason, the hero spends three million years in hibernation. He is now the only representative of the human race. The anthropoid descendant of that cat is now his companion. Their flight accompanies adventures, encounters with enemies and allies, discoveries and amazing facts from the life of the new world. The team is periodically supplemented and left colorful characters. They have the ultimate goal, but no one canceled passing missions, so Dave and his friends are not bored. (more…)


Josh (season 3)

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6 episodes

Laughing at oneself (and not by others) is a sign of primarily advanced self-awareness and the absence of stupid resentment at this level and constant looking at others. The series “Josh” will tell about three young people who perfectly know how to laugh at themselves. These are Josh, Owen and Kate. They are former classmates and now the situation has developed so that they are neighbors. The series is full of funny situations, where young people try to live and grow up together. They organize themed parties, learn to kiss … (more…)


The Last Post (season 1)

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6 episodes

The action of the series “The Last Post” takes place in 1965 in Aden in Yemen. In the center of events are officers of the British Royal Military Police and their families who live in an atmosphere of fear caused by terrorist insurgencies that are blazing throughout the Middle East. However, despite the constant threat, mines, grenades and sniper attacks, life continues. Heroes fall in love and part, are influenced by modern trends, such as the sexual revolution and feminism. The British Empire is eager for the decline, and the order of the 1950s is gradually becoming obsolete. (more…)


Trust Me (season 1)

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Trust Me

4 episodes

Cathy is an industrious and skilled nurse who suddenly loses her job. The heroine of the series “Trust Me” is forced to take extreme measures for the sake of her daughter’s future. She steals the identity of her friend, a successful doctor, and begins a new life in Edinburgh. Another’s name opens up opportunities for Cathy – now she can get almost anything she wants. However, soon her old life returns and threatens to destroy everything that is dear to her. What is she ready to go to protect her situation?


Gunpowder (season 1)

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3 episodes

The new serials transfer us in 1605. The protagonist of this series “Gunpowder” fights the totalitarian regime established in the UK. An anarchist terrorist who defied the system does not reveal his identity, acting under the guise of Guy Fawkes. However, their plan was uncovered – a conspirator Guy Fawkes, who was supposed to light a wick, was caught in a hot one. Since then, the British every night celebrate the night, named after an unlucky demolitionist, burning his scarecrow and launching fireworks.


Rellik (season 1)

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6 episodes

It is not the traditional detective where investigators try to find the murderer and to put him behind bars. For you there is the new project “Rellik” telling crime story upside-down. The main character of these series – the murderer. We know his name, we know what he has made. However, the sense of series consists not in capture of this person, but in studying of his life. Authors suggest the audience to plunge into the world of the person who has gone for murder, to study his motivation, to understand his acts and to experience his feelings. These are series about a human soul, about high and difficult emotions. In the center of attention there are also investigators who try to understand his actions.


Doctor Foster (season 2)

1,908 views Comments (2)

Doctor Foster

5 episodes

In the center of the series “Doctor Foster” is a story about a woman who is obsessed with the idea of exposing her husband. The heroine has long suspected the husband of treason and tries in every way to prove his infidelity. Dr. Foster usually behaves calmly and judiciously, but when she suspects that her beloved husband has a novel on the side, then everything goes awry. Now the heroine has only one goal – to understand what is really happening in her life. However, its disassembly led to worse consequences. Family life turns into chaos, and loved ones and patients no longer recognize that very sweet and calm woman. (more…)