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Jericho (season 1)

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8 episodes

The series “Jericho” tell about an unprecedented disaster. Nuclear charges have blown up. One small American town is cut off from the rest of the world, its inhabitants have lost the relatives, have appeared under the threat of exhaustion of water and stocks, epidemics, radiation sickness. They don’t know what is going to happen with them, they don’t know the reason to live further. Laws of morals have been turned inside out, the city authorities stay idle, and each person makes the strong-willed decision — to kill to survive.


Top of the Lake (season 2)

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6 episodes

Twelve-year-old Tui Mitcham on the fifth month of pregnancy comes into ice lake waters and then disappears. This case is charged to the detective Robin Griffin, who came back to the hometown. And it is a rather difficult case about missing. The Evil reigns here in this picturesque, but desolate settlement. Those who come in search of Paradise, appear on the road to Hell, without having found happiness in paradise landscapes of New Zealand. Here it is difficult to earn honest money. Robin has to find the girl, but also stand collision with the past and people about whom she would prefer to forget. Each step which is bringing closer her to disclosure this case will also open her some dangerous truth about herself.


Line of Duty (season 4)

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6 episodes

“Line of Duty” — the British series which at the moment consist of four completely seasons and two forthcoming. The series tell us about work of police officers from division which is engaged in investigation of corruption in the ranks of law enforcement officials. “Line of Duty” is the series which from a season by a season become better. Gradually the scale of all stories reveals — there are no incomplete lines in these series, practically all of them gather as a result to one general sense. In every season there are several other investigations: ordinary cops and officers of AC-12. The conflicts of the main characters, their acts, turns of a plot constantly keep in suspense.


Broken (season 1)

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6 episodes

Even religions relate to modern achievements and high technologies. They develop views of priests that those begin look at problems of modern mankind differently. They know what the main human defects of the present consist in. One of such modern priests – the father Michael. This person looks independent and very clever man who during his life has seen a lot. However. now he is expected by a serious call – it has to become head of one community which members try to give belief in more perfective aspect that it could exist in the world of modern technologies! (more…)


Doctor Who (season 10)

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12 episodes

The main character of these series is known to all fans of fantastic projects long ago. Before you there is the real rescuer of a galaxy, the fan of travel on time and space. Doctor Who is that character whom we already know about half a century.He travels around the Universe in his police box, which, in fact is a space ship with special abilities and functions. The doctor is a very excentric type of persone who always seeks to show the extensive knowledge of technologies and history. The main character never travels around the Universe alone. He has nearby a faithful companion together with whom the man fights against enemies of Earth. In the 10th season 11 series of series “Doctor Who” the main character makes a rash decision as a result of which he appears in the spaceship. In a ship that goes outside of the Universe, the Doctor is forced to watch the death of a loved one, whom he swore to protect. (more…)


Redwater (season 1)

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6 episodes

Deep drama series “Redwater” tells us how one married couple Moon, Kat with her spouse Alfie arrived in a small and very quiet Irish village of Redwater in the hope of finding the son, who was brought up by adoptive parentse. Kat hopes that finding her son, whom she does not know, she will find purpose in her life. Here they learn a secret that the villagers do not want to disclose. 25 years ago there was the collapse of one boat and all the inhabitants have not recovered from this tragedy yet. (more…)


Clique (season 1)

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6 episodes

The best friends Georgia and Holly have entered the university of Edinburgh where Georgia was almost at once involved in the company of cool girls, cream of the local student’s society. However a flashed offense with the girlfriend who has thrown her was replaced by panic when Holly notices frightening changes in behavior of Georgia. By any forces the girl decides to get to this intimate circle to save the girlfriend. (more…)


Paula (season 1)

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3 episodes

Paula is the young girl who works at school. The main character of the series “Paula” perfectly understands chemistry therefore she teaches children to this difficult science. However, one casual night together with James changes the girl’s life. One day the principal sends her to go to a warehouse. There it is necessary to meet the plumber. He has to check together with her the sewerage and whether there is in a warehouse an invasion of rats as it is specified in the complaint from parents. Instead of doing what they are told they are given to carnal pleasures. The fleeting passion ruins her life on a root. The plumber after this night incidentally learns that at she also has affair with one married person and somehow to ensure the happy future, he begins to blackmail her with what was in a warehouse, and her lover that has learned about them. (more…)


In the Club (season 1)

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6 episodes

In the series “In the Club” it is told about difficult destiny of pregnant women. All heroines are of different age, different social status, everyone has a “baggage” behind the back. But now for them on their first place are unborn children. Leading actors and actresses are picked remarkably up. Playing is sincerely, so gradually you begin to empathize them, you are involved in their problems. The subject is very close to all who expect a baby or has already passed through childbirth. These are very female series. (more…)


White Gold (season 1)

3,265 views Comments (10)


6 episodes

Time of action of series “White Gold” — the beginning of the 1980th. The main characters are the staff of sales department of one large company. But not those that sit at tables and make reports, and those that knock at the doors of inhabitants and try to persuade them to buy things absolutely not necessary to them. In fact, it is purely office situation comedy. Having told everything that is only possible about specifics of work in the first series, further the series concentrate on interoffice lives of the main characters. They are kidding one above another, sort out the relations, cheat on their wives, fool around and get into situations of different degree of nonsense.
