Monster House (2006)
“Monster House” is an animated supernatural horror comedy film directed by Gil Kenan. The story revolves around three kids—D.J. Walters, Chowder, and Jenny—who discover that their neighbor’s house is actually a living, breathing monster. The house, owned by the cranky Mr. Nebbercracker, seems to consume anything that comes near it. As Halloween approaches, the kids realize they must find a way to destroy the house before it harms anyone else. They uncover the house’s tragic backstory, learning that it is possessed by the spirit of Mr. Nebbercracker’s late wife, Constance. The film combines elements of horror and comedy, making it a thrilling yet entertaining watch for audiences of all ages.
Original Title: Monster House
Country: United States, Canada
Release Date: 2006
Genres: Animation, Comedy, Family
Creator: Dan Harmon, Rob Schrab, Pamela Pettler
Cast: Mitchel Musso, Sam Lerner, Spencer Locke
Runtime: 90 min
Language: English
Quality: BluRay 1080p
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Audio: AC-3, 348 Kbps
Video: x264, 7058 kbps
Size: 1.24 GB