Nightsleeper (season 1)
6 episodes
“Nightsleeper” is a six-part British thriller series set on a sleeper train traveling from Glasgow to London. The plot revolves around a government agency’s desperate attempt to intervene in escalating events onboard after the train is “hackjacked” by an unknown and malicious force. Two strangers, Joe Roag (Joe Cole), an off-duty policeman, and Abby Aysgarth (Alexandra Roach), the Acting Technical Director at the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre, must work together to save the lives of the passengers as the train hurtles towards disaster.
Original Title: Nightsleeper
Country: UK
Release Date: 2024
Genres: Action, Drama, Thriller
Creator: Joe Cole
Cast: Joe Cole, Alexandra Roach, Kim Chapman
Runtime: 40 min
Language: English
Episode 1: (189.98 MB)
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720p: (2.14 GB)
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Episode 2: (186.09 MB)
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720p: (2.15 GB)
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Episode 3: (173.51 MB)
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720p: (2.09 GB)
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Episode 4: (165.41 MB)
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720p: (2.14 GB)
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Episode 5: (159.10 MB)
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720p: (2.12 GB)
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Episode 6: (167.26 MB)
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720p: (2.13 GB)
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