Queenie (season 1)
8 episodes
Queenie is a British television series based on the novel by Candice Carty-Williams. The show follows Queenie Jenkins, a 25-year-old Jamaican British woman living in South London, who finds herself caught between two cultures and fitting neatly into neither. After a tumultuous breakup with her long-term boyfriend, Queenie seeks comfort in all the wrong places, leading to a series of questionable decisions. She navigates the complexities of her identity, balancing her Jamaican heritage with her British upbringing. Throughout the series, Queenie faces her past and begins to rebuild her life, learning important lessons about self-worth and resilience.
Original Title: Queenie
Country: United States
Release Date: 2024
Genres: Drama
Creator: Candice Carty-Williams
Cast: Dionne Brown, Bellah, Llewella Gideon
Runtime: 40 min
Language: English
Episode 1: (147.88 MB)
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720p: (844.48 MB)
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Episode 2: (178.75 MB)
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720p: (848.72 MB)
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Episode 3: (159.28 MB)
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720p: (547.37 MB)
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Episode 4: (135.64 MB)
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720p: (527.22 MB)
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Episode 5: (150 MB)
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720p: (542.09 MB)
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Episode 6: (150.77 MB)
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720p: (550.19 MB)
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Episode 7: (178.19 MB)
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720p: (841.60 MB)
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Episode 8: (548.12 MB)
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720p: (869.70 MB)
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