The Teacher (season 1)
4 episodes
“The Teacher” is a four-part drama series produced by Channel 5. The show stars Sheridan Smith as Jenna Garvey, a secondary school teacher whose life spirals out of control when she is accused of having sexual intercourse with a 15-year-old pupil. Jenna, who is known for her chaotic personal life and struggles with alcohol, decides to plead guilty to avoid forcing the student, Kyle, to testify. However, she later discovers that the evidence against her was fabricated. The series delves into themes of trust, betrayal, and the complexities of personal and professional boundaries. The show was primarily filmed in Budapest, Hungary, despite being set in Bradford, UK.
Original Title: The Teacher
Country: United Kingdom, Hungary
Release Date: 2022
Genres: Drama
Creator: Mike Benson, Barunka O'Shaughnessy
Cast: Kara Tointon, Sheridan Smith, Will Mellor
Runtime: 40 min
Language: English
Episode 1: (323.92 MB)
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720p: (1.91 GB)
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Episode 2: (328.34 MB)
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720p: (1.95 GB)
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Episode 3: (332.37 MB)
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720p: (1.96 GB)
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Episode 4: (337.62 MB)
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720p: (1.98 GB)
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