The Wives (season 1)
6 episodes
The Wives is a new mystery drama series that premiered on Channel 5. The show follows three British sisters-in-law—Beth, Sylvia, and Natasha—who routinely holiday together with their families in Malta. However, their latest trip takes a dark turn as they confront significant changes in their family dynamics and personal circumstances. The series is a six-part drama that delves into themes of family secrets, unexplained deaths, and the unraveling of relationships. The plot thickens as the sisters-in-law navigate through a summer that changes all their lives. The main cast includes Jo Joyner as Beth Morgan, Tamzin Outhwaite as Sylvia Morgan, and Angela Griffin as Natasha Morgan. The series was inspired by Daphne du Maurier’s novel “Rebecca,” adding a layer of suspense and intrigue to the storyline.
Original Title: The Wives
Country: UK
Release Date: 2024
Genres: Drama, Mystery
Creator: Helen Black
Cast: Jo Joyner, Angela Griffin, Katie Clarkson-Hill
Runtime: 40 min
Language: English
Episode 1: (252.56 MB)
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720p: (604.36 MB)
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Episode 2: (590.99 MB)
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720p: (1.90 GB)
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Episode 3: (599.92 MB)
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720p: (1.89 GB)
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Episode 4: (279.79 MB)
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720p: (1.92 GB)
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Episode 5: (587.97 MB)
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720p: (610.30 MB)
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Episode 6: (677.38 MB)
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720p: (1.07 GB)
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