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Publish2.me – New File Host
Dear users,
We present to You a new file host – Publish2.me. It has a good CC payments – VISA, MasterCard, JCB, Discover, etc. It will use not only in new series, but in older series too. For example, if a user bought a Publish2’s premium account and want to download the episode in which no Publish2 – it should send us comments on this article what kind tv series on this site he wants to download via Publish2.me. And we immediately upload the tv show, which you want to Publish2.me.
You can download free but you will have the next limits:
– Maximum speed is 50.0 KB/s
– No parallel downloads
– Resume downloads not supported
– Waiting time before download 120 min
But if you buy a premium account you will receive the following benefits:
- Speed: 100% UNLIMITED!
– Simultaneous downloads: YES!
– Resuming downloads: YES!
– Instant no-wait download: YES!
You need to make some simple steps to buy a premium account:
1. Click the Publish2’s link episodes that you want to download:
2. Choose a tariff plan. At first, we recommend a premium for 30 days:
3. After this, You will need to register an account: fill in the required fields and select payment method:
4. After payment You will get the code of the premium account to Your e-mail.
Please use this LINK to REGISTER or RENEW your account on Publish2.me to support us.
We need Your support to keep this site alive!
Keshava KUmar
I have just taken Annual premium offer. seeing comments/reviews I do not know whether i have done the right thing . I was however able to down load about 50 gb video at good speed at my first attempt. Further download was not possiible as i was informed LIMITS exceeded. Hopefully tomorrow it will restart again .Is that in order ?Any body has something else to say on my buying PREMIUM ACCOUNT .In any case i already realised that P2M do not have a Real Help desk or Tech Support . Please share/comment
Hello. Please contact support your service.
Why can’t i access Publish2me to cancel? very bad…wouldn’t reccommend you continue with them. They have NO ACCESS TO HELP DESK SO NO WAY OF GETTING YOUR MESSAGE ACROSS AND GETTING ANY SORT OF ANSWER!….BAD FORM FOLKS.
Joined Publish2me on Sunday (lifetime membership, have not received an activation code and very slow downloads (50kb/s) as slow as the free ones! very unhappy – took 9 hours to download a movie