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Nitroflare is a new file sharing service

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Dear users of
Recently we have added a new file sharing site –
We ask you to test the speed, payment systems and other important subjects to discuss. Please write your first impression!

Url for testing: //

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46 Responses to “Nitroflare is a new file sharing service”

  1. Just put nitroflare, looks great.
    I’ll buy premium its looks trusted.

  2. And i would love to resubscribe to Keep2Share, but it won’t take my credit/debit cards. Quite amazing when they ask for our support , and yet won’t take our cards!!

    • Same thing happened to me. Fraud prevention decline error..

      • Its a pain in the ass…..dont these folks realise that some of us travel the world with our work etc, and don’t want to be blocked overtime we try and download a movie ! Ironic thing is….my user name/password was excepted here to log in !!!

  3. I’ve paid my $36 for Nitroflare and there is nothing to download. How can we be charged when there is hardly anything to download. Nitroflare may be testing, but they shouldn’t take our money ..YET. Really annoyed.

    • This site and Nitroflare are not related in any way. This site is the one that is testing out Nitroflare’s performance although it is taking far to long to do so. You have paid Nitroflare not this site. Nitroflare hosts the files for many different companies so blame this site not Nitroflare for the very slow implementation./

  4. Ok? So when will Nitroflare the site be 100% with all links?

  5. Hi When is the Nitroflare service going to be up and running with all the links as I won’t subscribe until it is 100% full steam ahead.

    • ok

      • Same here. Not going to waste money on a Nitroflare subscription if there is nothing to user it on.. . Will subscribe as soon as it is fully implemented.

  6. Have been using Nitroflare on Sharingsaries and the speed is as good as Asfile – purchase was easy via Visa. Good choice and better than Publish2me or Keep2share. Good luck with the site and thanks for all the work.

  7. Publish2me: 14 hours to download 42 minutes of video. I am reading here that Keep2share is just as bad. So pick anything, really. Nothing could be as slow as the current two choices. Even dial-up would be faster.

    • Sorry, now it’s down to 6 hours for 42 minutes of video.

  8. Hi
    About Nitrflare, is it possible for free users to download files bigger than 500Mb ? Because the last two episodes of The Mentalist are in one file, so it’s about 750Mb.
    If it’s possible, could you post a Nitroflare link for this file please ?
    And if it’s not possible, could you post the 2 episodes in 2 different files ?
    Thank you

    • Only 500 MB
      Plus we are testing it

  9. Dear Admin,
    As everyone are suggesting “Nitroflare” is really good, I will go for it. But before going, I need to know one thing, that is how much time do you need to change all “Asfile” links to “nitroflare” links in loadtv, loadmovie and sharingseries?

    Kindly revert.

    • Hi Ganeshen. They are all separate organisations so LoadTV has no responsibility for the others

  10. Hi
    Ok i purchased the 30 day account seems to work fine when are all the other episodes going to be moved to Nitoshare as it seems that only the flash is available. I certainly didnt pay for a 30 day premium account just for the flash season. Your reponse will be appreciated

    • We wrote that we are testing this service and getting your feedback. If feedback will be okaay – we will load all links there

  11. VERY POOR SERVICE – how can you tell your Customers within 2 days of advertising a $7 deal with Nitroflare that IT IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE. This is very very poor Customer service. You need to get your house in order if you want to retain loyal Customers, such as me.
    Please answer.

    • Its on the side of NitroFlare and I remind u that we are testing it and this has no connection with our service.

      We are beating for loyal customers, but we cant jump above aur heads

      • So you have no business influence with Nitroflare – hard to believe and makes no sense.
        Your response, with respect, does not deal with the issue.
        If you are not able to endorse or stand over the “$7″ which is advertised on your site, then the relevant advert should be taken down.
        By the way I’m happy to support by paying for a good premuim download service but you are some way from convincing me you are there yet . . . . .

    • You are such a whiner, it’s unbelievable. You are literally jumping on their back the moment an opportunity arises. Every post concerning download services you are whining like a little bitch. You are one annoying costumer holy shit. This site is by far the best out there, the service of uploading and reuploading files is practicly instant within a day. Messages get answered very fast, the site is monitored and updated constantly. You are saving hundreds of dollars and yet you are comfortable whining about getting 14days premium for 7$ yes or no. Damn…

      • You should re-read my post which expressed dissatisfaction at something being advertised WHICH ISN’T ACTUALLY AVAILABLE.
        Appreciate also if you could calm down after you have discovered how to use a spell-checker.
        Thank you.

  12. there is so much advertising on keep2share – this is notwhat I paid for please

  13. Free download speed tested but it is rubbish. It is restricted down to a very slow 50kbps. Nitroflare is better known than your other hosts but I’ve never tried them before, there are too many free full speed hosts around to bother with hosts that limit the free speed. Nice try, probably more reliable for those who will pay for premium, but it doesn’t help me.

    • thx. But we have our personal restrictions

      • Care to share what those are? The lame hosts paying you to use them?

        • There are hundreds of file hosts out there, most of them better than the ones you are using, how are you restricted to using 1 or 2 lemons?

  14. Dear Admin,
    I have sent you an email. Kindly peruse and revert.

  15. I also would like the direct link for the $7/14 days subscription so I can try it out. I also can’t find it on the Nitroflare site.

    • I wrote to NF support and waiting for answer

    • Its not avalible any more…

      min package is 30 days//

  16. Dear Admin,
    The link which you have shared is for “The Flash” series.
    But I want direct link for the shown “Only $7 for 14 days” premium Nitroflare account.
    Because I am unable to find “$7 for 14 days” anywhere in the nitroflare site.

  17. Dear Admin,
    I request you to send me a link to avail the above offer on “NitroFlare”.

  18. As I am willing to support LoadTv I have bought a 30 day
    premium for NitroFlare – currently downloading the suggested Flash episode and definitely
    much faster than Keep2Share. Let’s see how it goes over the next few weeks.
    Good luck

  19. Hi Admin, I have sent you an email. I request you to go through the same and revert.

  20. Please test free download speed as well and write your impressions