If you haven't found some series, write to us and we will try to find it!
Publish2.me – New File Host

Dear users,
We present to You a new file host – Publish2.me. It has a good CC payments – VISA, MasterCard, JCB, Discover, etc. It will use not only in new series, but in older series too. For example, if a user bought a Publish2’s premium account and want to download the episode in which no Publish2 – it should send us comments on this article what kind tv series on this site he wants to download via Publish2.me. And we immediately upload the tv show, which you want to Publish2.me.
You can download free but you will have the next limits:
– Maximum speed is 50.0 KB/s
– No parallel downloads
– Resume downloads not supported
– Waiting time before download 120 min
But if you buy a premium account you will receive the following benefits:
- Speed: 100% UNLIMITED!
– Simultaneous downloads: YES!
– Resuming downloads: YES!
– Instant no-wait download: YES!
You need to make some simple steps to buy a premium account:
1. Click the Publish2’s link episodes that you want to download:
2. Choose a tariff plan. At first, we recommend a premium for 30 days:
3. After this, You will need to register an account: fill in the required fields and select payment method:
4. After payment You will get the code of the premium account to Your e-mail.
Please use this LINK to REGISTER or RENEW your account on Publish2.me to support us.
We need Your support to keep this site alive!
Please load Supernatural S5 e16 & e18 link goes to keep to share not publish
Hi could you please add American Horror Story Season 2 to Publish2me
Hi could you please add The killing Season 2, 3 and 4 on Publish2me. Thank you
Its working again today
My asfile membership ran out so on your sites advice I joined Publish2me and paid a lifetime price a SHORT time ago, it has worked fine but today it keeps saying the files are not available. If you take it off what about my money!
all download links for Publish2Me are coming up ‘401 Unauthorized: Temp URL invalid’ yesterday & today…. I think their site is stuffed!
Please could you put Mad Men season 7 and Sons of Anarchy season 6 on Publish2me.
Publish2Me should be removed from this site. Sure you can pay for an
account but it is totally useless. I have been trying to login for
weeks, their pages just get stuck in a loop so you can’t down load as
premium. They are a total rip off so dont bother paying for an account.
You cant even contact them for answers, they only have a feed back board
to post to. I will never bother with them again!!!!!!
Ok. Thanks for feedback. Unfortunately, a lot of complaints on Publish2Me. We have taken note of this. Most likely, we will stop the cooperation. Asfile promises that will fix payment system next week.
Asfile told me the same thing, I’m not holding my breath though.
please could you load Heroes series 1-4 and Deadwood series 1-3?
thank you!
Heroes series 1-4 – done
How can I contact Publish2. There is no contact on their website. I feel they have robbed my money because I can’t log in and paid for my premium account
They are rip offs, you cant contact them. I paid a month ago and have never been able to sign in and download as a premium user.
I thought so…very disappointing.
Please make Touch available. I asked for this a few ours ago. So no immediate uploads and, as Chris said, much slower than AsFile. Not a worthy replacement…
Hello how can I make direct contact with Publish2.me? I purchased a premium account but received no email from them containing my username and password, and when I type in my email in their system it says nothing found. However, when I paid them I downloaded episodes but after that I couldn’t log in. I know they are third party but hopefully you can help too.
Please, try to write here http://help.publish2.me/forums/248931-general/filters/my_ideas
Any chance of loading NYPD Blue onto Publish2 please?
Works very well easy to join, but much slower than Asfile.
About half the speed.
I will have to try again – could you please make the following series available for download with Publish2me:
1) Killer Women
2) Do No Harm
3) Emily Owens M.D
4) Motive
5) House of Lies
6) The Secret Circle
7) Saving Hope
8) Grimm
9) Ravenswood
Thank you
Killer Women
Do no harm
Emily Owens M.D. – DONE.
House of lies – DONE!
Secret circle
Saving Hope
Grimm – also done
publish2me do not accept my payments with excuse of geographical barrier of being a nigerian.guess I have to try another file hosting.hoping terafile will work for me. I really miss AsFile
Is it possible to have season 1 of the series Mom uploaded to Publish2Me? Thanks.
Scary Movie 5 2013 is only on Asfile, Can you load this on Publish2 please
The Raid 2: Berandal 2014
Says:Sorry, this file is blocked or deleted on Puiblish2
Thanks – Publish2 works for me – just downloaded Raid2 (2.1GB) in 16 mins which is close to my 20Mb link limit.
Re Publish2 speeds it seems that the premium is throttled at 130-140 kbps tested at different times of the day and night, where as AsFile fast early morning and late at night but much slower during congested peak times – waiting on a better option than Publish2 and very sorry AsFile cannot accept Visa any more. Anyone tried Terafile?
PS thanks again to the team for all the work involved in LoadTV