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17:09 – a new way of searching

924 views Comments (45)


The Administration of loadtv site removed a left-side chain with tv shows. We did this to increase website visibilaty for a search engines. For those who use left-side bar frequently we advise another convenience way for searching tv series on loadtv. All you need to do is to enter original title (or one word of it) to a search string located at the top of the site. Then you have to push the button with a word “SEARCH!”. When the search is conducted you’ll find all seasons of tv show you were interested to.

Thank you for your understanding, we appreciate it. Wish you success in your tv series search and have a good time with us!

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45 Responses to “ – a new way of searching”

  1. Thank you for bringing the sidebar with series’ titles back! And in a much better form :). I like it very much (the old one was getting too long to easily search through).

    But there seem to be some series missing from the “T” index. The problem is that there are so many there and your alphabetical ordering does not ignore “The” at the beginning of a title. You should do it like the English indexes do – ignore “The” and put for example “The Affair” under “A”.
    What is more, the list should expand and collapse even more, with seasons of the same series going from a single entry in the main letter index. As it is now, the “T” index shows each season of “The Big Bang Theory” separately and there are no series titles after “The Big C”.

    Anyway, bringing back the sidebar was a great idea and thank you very much for it.

  2. Yes, thank you for listening to us.

  3. Thank you so much for bringing the old list back. And the bonus that now we can expand and compress the list! Pleasant surprise!

  4. Agree.. don’t like the site’s new version.. Bring back the left list please..

    • we returned left-side menu and modified it, please, check

  5. I would have to agree with many other comments here. The list which used to be on the left side of the site was incredibly useful. It was, in fact, whilst stumbling upon half a dozen series that I have never heard of before using this list that lead me to buying an asfile premium account through the link on this site in the first place.
    I understand you want to grow this site and attract more users through searches but please if could at least have an alphabetical listing on a separate page or something to accommodate your existing users, many of whom have in, in their own small way, already financially contributed to this site it would be very much appreciated.
    This is a great site btw. Become a firm favourite of mine and one which I have pointed many people towards. Thanks for your efforts and Happy New Year.

    • we returned left-side menu and modified it, please, check.

      • Thank you very much for listening. Be it on the left-side or another page entirely this will help a great deal of people.
        Much obliged and once again this is a great site.

  6. hi what happened to all the movies. no matter which way i search i only see 3 movies on the options. There are no other movies?

    • we returned left-side menu and modified it, please, check

  7. The site is now not nearly as good as before. No more movies ? .
    Why did you have to “fiddle” with it ? Please go back to previous formay . Thanks

    • we returned left-side menu and modified it, please, check.

  8. Big Mistake – At least use the home page as a landing page to the whole list of shows available.

    • we returned left-side menu and modified it, please, check

  9. I definately hate this. We need to be able to see what shows are available.
    Bearing in mind, most of us have paid for this site.


    • we returned left-side menu and modified it, please, check.

  10. PLEASE BRING BACK THE LIST. It was so convenient to scroll and see what shows are available; shows that we may have forgotten.

    • we returned left-side menu and modified it, please, check

  11. Please provide an alphabetical list of all the TV series available for downloading. Your clients need to be able to do searches. It was impractical to remove the alphabetical lists.

    • we returned left-side menu and modified it, please, check.

  12. A further point in this area, it would also be useful to provide a listing, (titles only), of all the movies. It is not practically possible to see all the titles at present, (it would take forever)

    • we returned left-side menu and modified it, please, check

  13. I agree with the previous comments. Please provide some way of listing all the series available

    • we returned left-side menu and modified it, please, check.

  14. I think removing the left side panel was a bad idea, at least you can create a page that contains all the list of series, if that’s not much to ask

    • we returned left-side menu and modified it, please, check

  15. I would kindly agree that removing the left-side list was a bad idea.
    I was using it to search for anything new, which has lead me to a lot of shows I did not know existed. This then meant I was using your site more often, which of course is more business for LoadTV.
    I would seriously suggest to add it back….Please!

    • we returned left-side menu and modified it, please, check.

      • Excellent!…..& many thanks for that!!

  16. The search box does not work for me. I use the left-side menu 95% of the time!! Your reason for removing it is also not valid!

    • Please, clear your cache and cookies or try another browser

    • we returned left-side menu and modified it, please, check

  17. A retrograde step in my book. I often used that menu to scan down at what was available to d/l. Now I don’t know what is there to choose from. I have to know it is there before I can search. How do I search if I don’y know it is there in the first place.

    • we returned left-side menu and modified it, please, check.

  18. would be wise to keep left-side chain for a while, time 4 U to make a search menu work.

    • we returned left-side menu and modified it, please, check

  19. no search box! will downtown abbey christmas ep be posted today? thx

    • try again, pls.

    • we returned left-side menu and modified it, please, check.

  20. Hey the search box has disappeared.

    • There is no search box!

      • Please, clear your cache and cookies or try another browser.

      • we returned left-side menu and modified it, please, check.

    • try again, pls

    • we returned left-side menu and modified it, please, check

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