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If you haven't found some series, write to us and we will try to find it!
If you haven't found some series, write to us and we will try to find it!
I’ve been using this site for as long as I can remember and is BY FAR the best one to download anything, for that i thank u soooooo much, being able to watch shows that i can’t get on my country is very much appreciated… but yes, there are always things to improve. It’s pretty cool you are asking users what they feel you lack…
I think, as pretty much everyone else, that your download services are the most important part, just use different file sharing sites so as a visitor, i would pick the one i think is the best, since the sites you use now don’t allow free users to download big files, you should consider making it a 2 part download or something like that, and maybe have a torrent option for those who don’t like file sharing sites.
Also the layout it’s not the easiest one to use, i know it migth be alot of work, but if we create users, we could add the shows we like to a list… you know, so instead of looking for each show i watch, i can go to that list and go directly to them to check if there are new episodes…
and my last advice is not much, but maybe adding to the info of the show the amount of episodes per season… so i can keep track of how many are left and/or when the season is over….
Again thank u so much… love your site! keep the good work!
the best way i have found is if you have a list of TV shows, go to each show save it as a fav, have a file on your fav bar called tv shows, you can even put them in order of when they are on so you just have to run down your list
have mkv files, they have better quality with smaller file size
bring 4 us back series from 90s to2000s pliz
Yes please
Firstly, i would like to say thank you for the service you guys are delivering to us, i think its important to recognize what you guys are doing with the high risks involved. I have been using the site for a few years now and there are a few things you guys can do to improve the service even much more:
1. having a specific place where people can request series (at the top, maybe menu item or tab where its permanent so that people can see it) i think that would make your lives easier, as you can go to 1 specific place to see what the public wants to watch, then you wont have people posting in Hart of Dixie, “will you upload Angel all the seasons” (example) and never find or see the request made for the series as its not in the correct place.
2. decent download services, i personally would buy a premium account if i can do it via Paypal, i refuse to give out my credit card details, because of the risks involved (and judging in the below comments, i’m glad that i decided not to do it). And maybe have a download option for the free users for the movies (like AsFile), for those that cant afford to support you guys (but just keep in mind…word of mouth travels, and if you have 1 happy client he / she will refer friends to your website), that means more people using your website and having people that will support you financially (as 3 of my friends did with their premium accounts).
3. making sure that the series / movie uploaded is working, download links are working and that the codecs are correct, there is nothing more frustrating, than waiting for your series to come out…you download it and its not working (Flashpoint – S04E09, downloaded it last night from NitroFlare, WMP encounters a problem, when adding it to my TV it doesn’t work…but when i play it with VLC, it works but i cant forward the episode), as this wastes not only our time, but your time as well, cause you will have to re-upload it again and reply to numerous comments, “fixed”.
This is all i can think of, but thank you again, for giving us a place where we can find our favorite series / movies, keep up the good work!
Get rid of K2S as they sell your CC details.
You got prove of that statement?
FWIW my financial institution has blocked ALL of the Credit Card payment options for K2S, Publish2 AND Nitroflare as ‘Fraud Risks.’
Even the pre-pay Post Office Visa Card I got to get around the problem ALSO rejects ALL of them for exactly the same reason.
And I have been scammed by one of the three TWICE before it was confirmed that they were, indeed, the source of the scamming.
Does that constitute ‘proof’?
we reached k2s and they answered “No” with respect to this potential threat
I had the same problem
Doesn’t matter what they say, 3 different CCs from three different Banks as well as a pre-paid Post Office CC don’t work … all showing ‘fraud risk’ as reason for transaction not going through. K2S could be purer than the driven snow, but three Banks and VISA don’t seem to think so (and it is the same for Publish2 and Nitroflare). I suspect that they are all based in Eastern Europe and that’s the problem. Certainly I have no problem with other sites using Western European services and payment options … never been ripped off by bogus transactions from them, either.
Look, I *want* to *give* you money, but no Australian Bank or even VISA seems to want to allow me.
Phil i start using gift cards from my bank they seems to work well and no worries
Hi there, got new CC and use it only on K2S so far, someone tried to use it just after that. Don’t use CC for anything else, cause most sites take Debit cards now. It happened twice, first with Publish then Keep2Share. So I will have to find another payment method as well.
Your site is amazing, amongst the best out there from the point of view of layout, show content and TV news and information. I use it as an information site about series, what’s showing or coming up and series descriptions. That’s about as far as it goes, your lack of a free, fast download host leaves your site unusable for downloading. I get my TV series from sites not nearly as pretty nor informative as yours, but they have free, fast hosts so that’s where the downloaders go.
Oh, and most those hosts also don’t have file size limits.
Hi Doug,
would u mind sharing what r those sites that u use to download.
thank you in advance
Please use DepositFile.
we will consider that
Something i miss on every site (also like torrents) is a favorite list so i can make a Marker for eg The Blacklist. Also a Page where i see all new episodes from Marked shows. So if I had Blacklist and 12 Monkeys on my list and both have new episodes I get only these two episodes on that page for download. This is pretty simple to program into the site and would bring a lot of comfort to all registered users.
thx. we will think about it
A decent (fast) premium download option that works … Keep2Share is stupid slow, NitroFlare is faster, but their ‘security system’ has trouble with a VPN and keeps blocking my account as they think I’m sharing it.
Trying to support you and buy thru your affiliate links, but since ASFile stopped replacements aren’t very good.
we are working on this. but those are the best filesharing services we tested
How about splitting the larger files into so that we can download 720 HD shows for free. I’ve started looking elsewhere since I keep getting the “only members can download files over 1GB” message. It’s a pity as otherwise I’d say it’s a great site.
Yes, I second that. Ever since AsFile disappeared I haven’t been able to download a single movie or episode in HD quality due to file size.
File sharing sites you use are not reliable, so I will not risk my credit card frauded purchasing premium accounts. Other than credit card methods of payment might help.
I had huge fraud on my credit card the last time I subscribed to Keep 2 Share. Will not be renewing my subs this month!
Yes i had the same couldn’t figure out where it came from although it happened a few days after renewing k2s.
could you please concact keep2share? we dont have issueas like that
The truth is, you guys were fantastic until the day I could not get my visa card accepted. For me, that coincided with the sanctions imposed due to the Russian invasion of Crimea. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. With the authorities getting tougher on torrenting of TV shows, you need to get really serious. You need your down data storage servers and you need to lock your site down to those who wan tot and can subscribe then offer them what they want. You need to ensure that payments can be accepted to you directly and independently of VISA or MasterCard. That’s the hard part, but do that and you’ll survive. I’ll watch with interest, as I think you guys do a wonderful service. I really want to support you, and I loved the service you provided, but if payment remains via a credit card, it’s just not a happening thing right now, which is a real shame.
I sure hope you didn’t vote for Putin!
Then, the situation you mention is partially your fault…
thx for your words. But unfortunately visa an so on are providing the best money transfer service for customers all over the world, and we do not know alternatives.
PS. Crimea is a wonderful place, by th way)
more updated downloads would be good been waiting for Atlantis S2 uploads past EP 6 & Constantine.
optional english subtitles please.
bring back old classics e.g. sex and the city; golden girls; cybil…
we will consider. and we will add a lot of new @old@ shows
A good idea would be to use download services that aren’t actually regarded as fraud risks by Banks, even for prepaid credit cards. ALL of the current download services you use are so regarded by local banks. Not good.
A download site to use PayPal with as I used to use the site when as file was here and had PayPal . used after they went and cost me double .. I don’t know of any of the other methods to pay
I would like to see date of upload beside the link.
Also, all files should contain English subtitles.
Forum would be nice…
i would also like to see this too, like the show airdate so i know i am watching the right one as i watch many programmes on here and forget what episode it is at
this has more to do with your own download management than the site,
Keep a list of your shows, what ep you have downloaded up to, then you just look on the show you want, compare to your list you can see if you have it or not, i find notepad good for this as you can even put the date of the next available downlaod (hint: the day after the date on IMBD)
Lawless: Yes. the subtitles should be built into all the files. It would save a lot of hassle in finding them.
It would be really great if you could implement a way to show if there was 1 or 2, etc. new episodes per series. The way it is now, we only see that there is at least 1 new episode and we don’t see at once if there are more than 1 for the same TV Show this day. That would be great
we will think about this
I prefer files in mp4 format.
sorry, but it takes a lot of time to make mp4 for us
How about the opportunity to request movies.
within two weeks u’ll see about 500 new movies here
Whooo Hoooo – I miss that from before. I was about ready to start shopping for a new site, but now I’m happy to wait cuz I Love your service :o) THANKS
In my opinion movies should be under 1 GB. Also, have you thought to start using some file sharing services that are allowing free users to download files?
That isnt possible if it is a good quality video
The file size is to do with the quality of the video and how long it is
I agree with the statement but there are some extremely gooood movies in BR RIP – 720p quality (about or more than 100 min) in less than 1 GB. We can find CAM RIP of 1.6GB with crappy video and awful sound quality…
Do you guys own any of these file sharing sites because i cant help but notice how easy it would be for people to get caught downloading these files.